Sunday, 4 May 2014

Tour of Sufferlandria 2014: Day 4

Day 4 (January 28) of the Tour is done! Today was Hell Hath No Fury.

Length: 75 minutes

Format: HHNF is a race simulation and you're a member of the Sufferlandria National Team. There's a short warm-up followed by 5 minutes of relatively easy riding on flats. Then a 20 minute race with some hills and attacks followed by a short recovery. There's another 20 minute race stage, another short recovery and then a 3 minute time trial before the cooldown.

Music: dancey and fun. Great, pounding beats.

Footage: mostly the Tour of Flanders. What's awesome about HHNF is the footage is all of female races :)

Difficulty: 8/10. Like yesterday, this rating might change with time. My legs were tired after three days of hard riding. But I found the music really motivating and that seemed to make it seem easier than it may actually be.

Other Random Thoughts: HHNF is a winner. I loved riding with the ladies and loved the music. 8/10. One con is that this one doesn't seem as polished as the other Sufferfest workouts I've done over the past few days. The on-screen timers look different and there were a few typos. (But don't tell the minions I said so...they're still looking for any excuse to beat with me a stick like they were threatening to all throughout HHNF).

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